MEDL Mobile


A connected device that enables athletes to perform at their peak


Production, Hardware/Firmware Integration, Mobile Development, UX/UI


iOS, Android


Integrated Mobile Application



JAWKU has enabled an athlete to track their own speed and performance – accurate to .01 seconds – without the need of a coach, trainer, or even a stopwatch.


The difference between the top 1% of athletes and the rest is fractions of a second. To help athletes improve their speed and agility, JAWKU came up with an idea to pair a motion sensitive wristband with a mobile device. The wristband would record the exact starting time and the phone would create a photo finish.

Our team was tapped to bring this concept to life with a complete user experience that is seamless, intuitive, and accurate. We were also challenged to break new ground and “reinvent the stopwatch” with a new visual language that quickly helps athletes identify their speed and progress.

The Challenge

This project had a few. For starters, we were dealing with accuracies within one hundredth of a second. Our QA team needed to simulate the training conditions for a pro-athletes to make sure it would work in the field as well as it did in the lab.

What’s more, the product needed to overcome challenges with bluetooth connectivitvy, camera resolution, and integration of previously developed technology which provided the core of the experience. What’s more, we needed the system to be easy enough to use that an athlete would’t need to even think about the app – and could focus instead on achieving their very best time, every time.

Prototyping Paves the Way

We created a prototype that communicated our plans for the app. The prototype was highly interactive, which allowed our test group of athletes to provide new insight into how the app’s features and functionality could be improved.

Prototype App Plans screenshots
JAWKU progress tracking screens

Visualize progress like never before

We created an innovative UI/UX interface that literally allows an athelete to train against themselves. Every result is compared against your best result, constantly pushing you to be at your very best. Users can track progress, trends, personal records, notes about their run, and more. And of course, when you set a personal best, the app lets you know with an exciting animation.​

JAWKU Bluetooth enabled phone and wristband set

Bluetooth Pairing

Once the wristband is paired with the app, an athlete can place their phone at the finish line, select their distance, and get moving. JAWKU Speed uses the mobile device’s front-facing camera to record when you reach the finish line. The wristband records the exact starting time and the mobile device creates a photo finish accurate to .01 seconds.

Given the challenging nature of Bluetooth pairing, the team is especially proud of the resulting product’s ability to connect wristband and phone in the sometimes challenging situations encountered by professional atheletes.

Fast is Earned, Not Given

In addition to the core function of measuring speed and agility – the app also allows users to build their own custom drills. The user controls distances, timing, reps, and can adjust the JAWKU’s timer to Movement or Audible mode. Movement mode begins recording when the runner starts moving. With Audible mode, three beeps signal a countdown. However the start of the beep is randomized, to help runners train themselves to react quickly. The app even displays reaction timing so that an athlete can see exactly how their reaction time effects their speed.
JAWKU Test Type Screen Shot
Screenshot of Custom Builds
Jawku Wristband in black and orange

Iconography for Instant Recognition

Key in the discipline of UI/UX is our ability to create a visual language that communicates instantly and effortlessly thorough custom iconography. We’re also quite good at identifying areas within the user experience where a little more information is required – and presenting it to the user in a simple, clean interface.​

Watch Iconography


Train Iconography


Track iconography


Wristband Iconography

my jawku

Screenshot of Select Distance JAWKU Screen
Tapping Ready App Iconography Screenshot
Jawku Logo

JAWKU Speed + Your Smartphone. The only duo designed to get you fast. This is not your parent’s fitness tracker. This is about performance – measure speed, agility, and reaction time. JAWKU Speed gives you purpose, motivation and results.

Case Study


Case Study
